My Opinion On Courthouse Weddings

When thinking about a wedding, a lot of people think about the big extravagant wedding ceremony and reception but I’m finding more and more lately that clients are opting for a more minimalistic and intimate ceremony, often taking place in a courthouse. I personally think courthouse weddings are charming and I understand the appeal. Not only are they budget-friendly, but for those who are slightly introverted or just don’t want to attract too much attention, they are a great choice.

My last two weddings have taken place in a courthouse. It’s a very quick and stress-free way of tying the knot. Many may wonder if they should even hire a wedding photographer to capture their big day. My answer to that question is ABSOLUTELY!
Just because you chose to have a small wedding doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t document it. In fact, it’s all the more reason to. Many photographers offer courthouse wedding photography at an affordable price (Myself including). Save on the wedding but definitely do the photoshoot! Capture the memories and have something to look back on for the rest of your life.

Typically during a courthouse wedding the couple tying the knot will arrive at the courthouse early enough to register. From there, the courthouse will take payment and at your scheduled time, the officiant will take you into a room where the ceremony takes place. The amount of guests allowed in the room will vary with each courthouse. I know Orange County Courthouse takes only six guests, whereas Osceola County can accommodate up to ten guests.

From there you can decide whether to do pictures inside the ceremony room or outside. I always advise having any post-ceremony photos taken outside. Ceremony rooms in a courthouse aren’t always the best for photos. Typically they are small and have unforgiving lighting. The photographer will capture your ceremony in the best way that they can, but it’s nice to have contrast so I always usher my clients and their guests outside after the ceremony where we can make use of the natural lighting and beautiful surroundings. My favorite courthouse to work at is Osceola County. The room is small but it’s pretty. White walls, floral decorations, super cute and again, minimalistic. Outside is beautiful with stunning oak trees and historical buildings which are perfect for photos.

I love large weddings, but I also really love courthouse weddings. They are intimate and affordable and leave room for other expenditures such as a meal, a reception, honeymoon, or just saving that money up! Whatever your decision may be, I fully support courthouse weddings. The intimacy alone is enough to win me over.


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